
Javi is practising swedish. However he's probably the only one who has learnt how to say Öring and Örtte directly after phrases like Hello and How are you x) He just wanted to pronounce Ö correctly but the words got stuck and now my vanilla tea has been declared Örtte and all fish we eat is undoubtably Öring. I feel like such a great teacher >< Not to mention how strange it was hearing real spoken swedish yesterday btw! We were on an outing with school to the slave lodge and an old couple (Bengt and Inga) were among the tourists. Varmlandska for the win! My teacher walked behind them all the way to hear how they speak x) Hemligt.
And guess what, my homework for tomorrow is writing a two page travel article about Örebro. Can't help but to feel a liil homesick, it is my town after all. Speaking of that I really must get it done... >< And hey, in case you missed it I've posted some more pics of my man on Facebook. Bodyboarding-pics.


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