Winelands, cheetas, beautiful notepads - and Louboutains

I've been up to a lot of fun things lately. On monday we went to the beach (it was 32 degrees Celsius and hooott) and I got burned to a crisp. I've never had such a sunburn in my life >< Now it doesnt feel like my skin is on fire anymore though and I'm noticing a tan instead. At least better news even if I should have left the beach much earlier.. Anyways, on Tuesday we went to the Winelands to pet a cheetah (in order to raise money to save the species that is endangered), to see gorgeous surroundings and to visit the super wealthy and gorgeous cities Stellenbosch and Franchhoek that are situated in the middle of the lands. On the way home we went to the huge mall Canal Walk to get Javi a pair of shorts and new shoes for the gym. 
Wednesday was slow and we only managed to do one productive thing wich was shopping for food - because we had hardly any left so we had to. Other than that we watched the movie Smokin' aces that was really insanely crazy - but I kinda loved it!
Today we went to the SPCA to see if they had any staffies so that I could see if I'm allergic to the breed or not, but they didnt have any in at the time. I ended up signing up as an overseas volounteer though so now I'm helping the animal cops in Cape Town to walk their rescued doggies. I love it. After that we went back to Canal walk and I bought the most beautiful address book and notepad ever. And a golden pen. I love them to bits. Another thing I unfortunately love to bits is a pair of heavy read Christian Louboutain heels. But I can't buy them. Won't buy them... >< 
Btw, I've got a new favourite dessert - Iced coffee shakes. Nom nom.


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