A day out

Yesterday was a really nice day, I went with Lea and Natasha and Leas sister and cousin to Long Street for some shopping. (embarrased to say but I didnt get their names when they introduced themselves and after I just couldnt ask!) Anyhow I bought a gorgeous neckless and had shots in the middle of the day, shopping while being tipsy is apparently nothing strange here :P Later in the evening two gay guys joined us for some cocktails before the others headed out to party but me and Tash went home since I have school and she has work to do.
Today me and Javi are going to the botanical gardens:D I've just seen it while passing by car so far but from what iv'e seen its stunning so Im really excited to go^^ And since tomorrow is Javi's birthday I'm gonna attempt baking a birthday cake, let's see how it goes.. x) The positive thing though is that I've decided that the wisest thing to do is a "kladdkaka" and Javi has no clue how easy they are to make so my man is impressed.
I've got him as my personal trainer now btw so yesterday he made me work on my chest and biceps and I can hardly move my arms today xD He's too buff to realise that it's fucking heavy for me and I'm too stubborn to tell him to go easy on me, that would be no fun. But he's seriously insane, he can do 580 kilograms on the leg-machine!!! Ridicouous. And today, finally, I'll be doing some boxing again! Whei!


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