
Sorry for not saying goodbye yesterday before my departure, I simply didnt have time. But now after having travelled for almost exactly 24 hours I have arrived safely in Cape Town. Finally. Flying for eleven hours in a row when it's pitch black outside isnt very much fun at all.. 
On the more fun part of it all I must say that Cape Town really lives up to its reputation of being one of the most beautiful places in the world, it's gorgeous here! Apart from the shacks just outside of the central parts of course... But at the end of the day this is still a third world country with quite a few problems left to tackle.
I've spent the day with Javi, most of you know about him already but for those of you who don't I've known him for a few months, he lives here and he's been a great help. Since he had to work I tagged along on a tour around town with a couple of buisnesspartners whose job was to film the prettiest settings in Cape Town, so I've already seen Sea Point's promenade, The opposite side of the bay facing table mountin and lions head and the beautiful harbor. I promise to put up lots of pictures as soon as I can but for now I dont have an opportunity to do so. Tomorrow I'm in for some more touring around town to the park and city centre, gonna be fun:) 
Please leave a comment people, would be nice to hear from you even if im at the other side of the world:P Miss you!


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