
I went to the public swimming pool today with Kiki and Freddie and we swam an entire kilometre:D Aand did some tanning too, and of course it had hardly any effect on my skin x) I did get burnt though, so hopefully it will give me a slight tan at least.. I guess it's not too good to get burnt by the tanning machine though, I was dumb enough to notice the sign saying a person as pale as me isnt even recommended to do it after the tanning was done><
Oh well, afterwards me and Kiki went shopping in town and as always when we go shopping we ended up with lots of bags filled with pretty stuff:D Was great to see her again after so long, we've been working too hard hey:P
Tomorrow anyone who wants to can come over to say good bye properly btw, Freddie comes at about three to bake "kladdkaka":) I really want pics of you all so would be great if you could make it^^ Tomorrow is my last day at home before I leave!!
Countdown: 3 days


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