
For those of you I havnt told in other ways already I just want to mention that javi is my boyfriend^^ I'll post a pic of him here in the blog as soon as I get hold of an internet cafe for those of you who havnt seen what he looks like too^^
Today I'm once again writing from school, yesterday I went to the huge gym again and today me and Javi are going to the big aquarium in the waterfront unless the weather clears up, then we'll go to the botanical gardens, but it seems highly unlikely.. Later I'm going to Jade (the club javi works at) to celebrate the birthday of Abrecht, a friend of Javi's who is super nice. I hope he'll have a nice time there :) Now I have classes again but I promise that I'll do all I can to upload some pics of my stay in the near future, I wanna show you!


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