Movie night and party on the 31:st floor

I didnt go with Andry on Friday; the brasilian models (Ana-Paula and Fernanda) and Javi's good friend Boris had rented a movie and wanted me to join and since I'd already started making friends with them I figured I'd have a nicer time there. We went together to the movie rental-place and after a loong time we decided on city of men and slumdog millionaire (the girls wanted a romantic comedy and the boys wanted clockwork orange and I got stuck in between and eventually they had to compromise xP). Unfortunately there were no english subs so the two brasilians who speak very little english had to make a huge effort to get the story :P We only had time to watch Slumdog millionaire though, Boris had to get up at six am to get to the shoot for the movie he works in. He's a stuntman! Supercool imo^^ And Ana-Paula learned a new sentence x) As soon as Boris, who is her boyfriend, tried to put his arm around her she yelled "Don't touch me!" xD Followed by a kiss though:P
The next day, in other words yesterday, I got invited by Ana-Paula to go shopping at the Waterfront. I met up with her, Fernanda and another brasilian girl; Helena and some brasilian dude who I dont know the name of >< I ended up having a really nice time and I'm really becoming good friends with Ana-Paula :) She's the cutest ever, I'll show you pics :P Hopefully today since I'm planning on going to the internet cafe^^ Anyways. Javi picked me up at the mall and we went home to get ready for Jade and have some dinner and when we arrived I was introduced to Jade's partyplanner Barack and his rich friends but I felt more comfortable with Lea's boyfriend Christoff and his two indian friends who I was also introduced to. I ended up having three body guards on the dance floor and the guys were super funny but Jade had a bad night. It was so crowded that you could hardly move so the boys decided to go to Hemishpere, a club on the 31:st floor in one of the biggest buildings in town, and after promising Javi to take me back safely I went with them. You should have seen the view! Today Javi wants to go bodyboarding so I might to to have lunch with Lea and Christoff and their friends instead, let's see. Now it's time for breakfast anyways^^


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