Nice week

The last week has been a nice one. On saturday I went with Javi and Rob (who we work out with at the gym, he's a broker and retired fighter) to Lion's head to climb up towards the peak and look at the stunning view. A lot of people were there and the trails were really steep and rocky without any security nets, I must say I felt a bit nervous. But it was def worth it, the view was gorgeous and Rob is a nice person. 
Sunday I don't remember what we did but on Monday we went to the Company Gardens again and I bought the first season of Wire in the blood. It was a bit slower than I remembered though :( Yesterday we went to the gym and did legs and I managed 220 kilograms on the leg-machine!!! DJ (another friend of Javi at the gym who works there) and Javi were pretty impressed (h). Today I'm tiiired in my legs, my calves and my butt though >< Another neat thing that happened yesterday is that Boris (yet another friend of Javi) and Ana-Paula, Javi and I went to the cinema to watch Inglorious Basterds and since I missed my aerobox-class Boris is going to give me a private boxing lesson! He used to fight and train for real and now he gives private lessons to people so he really knows what he's doing so I'm excited! And it was cool to hear about his stuntman-background too, he told me about how he got to where he is today and by chance we saw the commercial he's in at the moment on TV. Awesome :) Inglorious Basterds was also great, and crazy crazy. 
Today I'm going with Javi to the supermarket, we dont have any food left.

Winelands, cheetas, beautiful notepads - and Louboutains

I've been up to a lot of fun things lately. On monday we went to the beach (it was 32 degrees Celsius and hooott) and I got burned to a crisp. I've never had such a sunburn in my life >< Now it doesnt feel like my skin is on fire anymore though and I'm noticing a tan instead. At least better news even if I should have left the beach much earlier.. Anyways, on Tuesday we went to the Winelands to pet a cheetah (in order to raise money to save the species that is endangered), to see gorgeous surroundings and to visit the super wealthy and gorgeous cities Stellenbosch and Franchhoek that are situated in the middle of the lands. On the way home we went to the huge mall Canal Walk to get Javi a pair of shorts and new shoes for the gym. 
Wednesday was slow and we only managed to do one productive thing wich was shopping for food - because we had hardly any left so we had to. Other than that we watched the movie Smokin' aces that was really insanely crazy - but I kinda loved it!
Today we went to the SPCA to see if they had any staffies so that I could see if I'm allergic to the breed or not, but they didnt have any in at the time. I ended up signing up as an overseas volounteer though so now I'm helping the animal cops in Cape Town to walk their rescued doggies. I love it. After that we went back to Canal walk and I bought the most beautiful address book and notepad ever. And a golden pen. I love them to bits. Another thing I unfortunately love to bits is a pair of heavy read Christian Louboutain heels. But I can't buy them. Won't buy them... >< 
Btw, I've got a new favourite dessert - Iced coffee shakes. Nom nom.


I'm sorry for not posting anything in a while, I cant really say why I havnt but I'll give you a brief update. I finished my english course with 88% correct answers on proficiency level and I am planning on taking the Cambridge Proficiency test and my teacher thinks I can get an A:) 
I have also gone to Javi's mother's place to go for a ride on one of her friesians and meet her dogs and her boyfriend Kelly. It was really nice and despite all the animals I didnt get sick! Me and Javi slept in a flat where the pets dont have access and it was fine. The day after the ride we went out with one of the shark boats to see some Great Whites! It was awesome and I'll post more pics as soon as I can:) 
When we came back home on wednesday we went straight to Ana Paula's place to prepare for a surprise party for Boris who turned 31. Most of the party was held at Jade where it was brazilian night (suitable for the spanish and brazilians at the party) and Ana Paula taught me some basic samba steps:P 
Thursday was not very exciting, we woke up late and were lazy the whole day. On Friday more stuff happened though. Javi's mother Renata came over from Gansbaai to bring us with her to look at a property she's interested in buying. It would require a lot of work but it had all the potential in the world! Renata was seriously interested so maybe that's the place she'll buy eventually. After looking at the house we went for dinner at a super neat restaurant and today it's surf day. I've been talking in spanish with Javi most of the time lately btw, I'm getting better and better:D 


I have realised that I finally have time to read again and Javi has a bookshelf full of interesting books, I'm happy happy:) And I also just realised that after today I only have two days left of school, and the finals are coming up. Even if I doubt that my result will be bad the first test with a new teacher always makes me a bit nervous. All teachers have different methods and correct with varying strictness.. But Jan is a great teacher, I'm sure that the test will be good. Aand I'm starting to seriously sense some vacation! And the fact that summer is in the air sure helps:) I even bought a new bikini the day before yesterday. Different from Sweden where I heard that you guys are below zero already, I feel for you!


I love you.


Javi is practising swedish. However he's probably the only one who has learnt how to say Öring and Örtte directly after phrases like Hello and How are you x) He just wanted to pronounce Ö correctly but the words got stuck and now my vanilla tea has been declared Örtte and all fish we eat is undoubtably Öring. I feel like such a great teacher >< Not to mention how strange it was hearing real spoken swedish yesterday btw! We were on an outing with school to the slave lodge and an old couple (Bengt and Inga) were among the tourists. Varmlandska for the win! My teacher walked behind them all the way to hear how they speak x) Hemligt.
And guess what, my homework for tomorrow is writing a two page travel article about Örebro. Can't help but to feel a liil homesick, it is my town after all. Speaking of that I really must get it done... >< And hey, in case you missed it I've posted some more pics of my man on Facebook. Bodyboarding-pics.

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