
Check my facebook for pics from South Africa :) I have only uploaded five so far because it costs me two rands per picture >< But I'll add more so keep check there!

Movie night and party on the 31:st floor

I didnt go with Andry on Friday; the brasilian models (Ana-Paula and Fernanda) and Javi's good friend Boris had rented a movie and wanted me to join and since I'd already started making friends with them I figured I'd have a nicer time there. We went together to the movie rental-place and after a loong time we decided on city of men and slumdog millionaire (the girls wanted a romantic comedy and the boys wanted clockwork orange and I got stuck in between and eventually they had to compromise xP). Unfortunately there were no english subs so the two brasilians who speak very little english had to make a huge effort to get the story :P We only had time to watch Slumdog millionaire though, Boris had to get up at six am to get to the shoot for the movie he works in. He's a stuntman! Supercool imo^^ And Ana-Paula learned a new sentence x) As soon as Boris, who is her boyfriend, tried to put his arm around her she yelled "Don't touch me!" xD Followed by a kiss though:P
The next day, in other words yesterday, I got invited by Ana-Paula to go shopping at the Waterfront. I met up with her, Fernanda and another brasilian girl; Helena and some brasilian dude who I dont know the name of >< I ended up having a really nice time and I'm really becoming good friends with Ana-Paula :) She's the cutest ever, I'll show you pics :P Hopefully today since I'm planning on going to the internet cafe^^ Anyways. Javi picked me up at the mall and we went home to get ready for Jade and have some dinner and when we arrived I was introduced to Jade's partyplanner Barack and his rich friends but I felt more comfortable with Lea's boyfriend Christoff and his two indian friends who I was also introduced to. I ended up having three body guards on the dance floor and the guys were super funny but Jade had a bad night. It was so crowded that you could hardly move so the boys decided to go to Hemishpere, a club on the 31:st floor in one of the biggest buildings in town, and after promising Javi to take me back safely I went with them. You should have seen the view! Today Javi wants to go bodyboarding so I might to to have lunch with Lea and Christoff and their friends instead, let's see. Now it's time for breakfast anyways^^

Work work work

Today Javi is working all day and I'm at home eating salad. I might go out with Andry and his friends tonight though, he's the only person that's in the advanced class with me and he's from Madagaskar! Cool^^ 
I have figured out though that since my blogg nor bilddagboken works in the internet cafe im gonna try and go there to upload pics on my facebook instead since most of you guys have that. I dont know if its gonna work but I really hope so.
Yesterday I did a core-session on the pilates ball btw; it's not the same without you Freddie!

Happy birthday babe

Today's Javi's birthday :) I bought him a pair of fins for bodyboarding xP Felt like a slightly strange present but he really wanted them so^^ And today we're going out for sushi at the best place in town, I've seriously never had such great sushi! Oh well, happy birthday love!
PS. I'm out of swedish bubble gums :(

A day out

Yesterday was a really nice day, I went with Lea and Natasha and Leas sister and cousin to Long Street for some shopping. (embarrased to say but I didnt get their names when they introduced themselves and after I just couldnt ask!) Anyhow I bought a gorgeous neckless and had shots in the middle of the day, shopping while being tipsy is apparently nothing strange here :P Later in the evening two gay guys joined us for some cocktails before the others headed out to party but me and Tash went home since I have school and she has work to do.
Today me and Javi are going to the botanical gardens:D I've just seen it while passing by car so far but from what iv'e seen its stunning so Im really excited to go^^ And since tomorrow is Javi's birthday I'm gonna attempt baking a birthday cake, let's see how it goes.. x) The positive thing though is that I've decided that the wisest thing to do is a "kladdkaka" and Javi has no clue how easy they are to make so my man is impressed.
I've got him as my personal trainer now btw so yesterday he made me work on my chest and biceps and I can hardly move my arms today xD He's too buff to realise that it's fucking heavy for me and I'm too stubborn to tell him to go easy on me, that would be no fun. But he's seriously insane, he can do 580 kilograms on the leg-machine!!! Ridicouous. And today, finally, I'll be doing some boxing again! Whei!

Different world

Everything here is so different, in Sweden everything is calm and sweet and not the least extravagant. Here it's a different story:P Last night I went to the champagne lounge where Javi works and since I'm his precious I got in for free, drank for free and was taken care of by the staff (sweetest people ever) and some brasilian models, two boys and two girlies who had the cutest faces ever and we danced all night :P Since the actual age limit is 23 I felt a bit out of place at first but everyone were super sweet and I ended up having an awesome night^^ A few days ago I had tea in the lounge of a five star hotel and the staff called me madam, I have starred in a promotion video for Javi and his mothers company (thank god it wasnt much) and on monday I'm going shopping with my new girls Natasha and Lea, we're headed for the boutiqes on Long Street and afterwards we're having a few tequilas. Oh dear, different it is:P And I'm as happy as I could ever be with Javi:D Love that man to pieces <3 And btw guys, I'm really sorry that I havnt posted any pics, I tried at the internet cafe a couple of days ago but for some reason my blogg didnt work there, dunno if it's because it's a swedish site but nevertheless it just didnt work..:( I'm gonna try again later tonight though cuz I really wanna show you some pics! Now I must go, Javi and I are going to Bo Kaap to look at the crazily painted houses:P Take care people! 


For those of you I havnt told in other ways already I just want to mention that javi is my boyfriend^^ I'll post a pic of him here in the blog as soon as I get hold of an internet cafe for those of you who havnt seen what he looks like too^^
Today I'm once again writing from school, yesterday I went to the huge gym again and today me and Javi are going to the big aquarium in the waterfront unless the weather clears up, then we'll go to the botanical gardens, but it seems highly unlikely.. Later I'm going to Jade (the club javi works at) to celebrate the birthday of Abrecht, a friend of Javi's who is super nice. I hope he'll have a nice time there :) Now I have classes again but I promise that I'll do all I can to upload some pics of my stay in the near future, I wanna show you!


Sorry for not having updated properly lately, I've been a busy lil girl :P The day before yesterday I went to the Cape of Good Hope with Javi and his clients and later on to a dinner with the staff at the club where he works. It was my first visit to an indian resturant and I definately enjoyed it^^
Yesterday I went shopping at the Waterfront and I also went to my new gym, its HUGE. But very well organised and the people there are nice so I think I'm gonna be able to settle in nicely:P Now I have a class but I'll return to you guys later tonight I promise. Take care everyone!

Getting settled

Yesterday was a really nice day apart from the weather, I went with Javi and two of his spanish clients on a continuation of the guided tour through town and now I'm actually in a promotion video for the company Javi works for xP It features me and Javi at one of the best resturants in town pretending to make an order, it was super awkward x) But since we arrived at the resturant before any clients had arrived the client who handled the video camera wanted us to act as customers..:P
Furthermore we visited a mall at the Waterfront that was really fancy and I cant wait to spend all my money there (A) We also visited a great sushi resturant and I had the best sushi I've ever had in my life^^
Today I'm writing to you from school, I have been put in the advanced class and the first lesson will start in just a little while. Ive met a girl from Venezuela that seems to be nice but unfortunately I'm not quite sure if she's going to join me in the advanced class.. Oh well, I'll get back to you with more details later today or tomorrow:) And as you might have noticed I've already entered "study mode" xD My english gets a bit more appropriate as soon as I enter a school x)


Sorry for not saying goodbye yesterday before my departure, I simply didnt have time. But now after having travelled for almost exactly 24 hours I have arrived safely in Cape Town. Finally. Flying for eleven hours in a row when it's pitch black outside isnt very much fun at all.. 
On the more fun part of it all I must say that Cape Town really lives up to its reputation of being one of the most beautiful places in the world, it's gorgeous here! Apart from the shacks just outside of the central parts of course... But at the end of the day this is still a third world country with quite a few problems left to tackle.
I've spent the day with Javi, most of you know about him already but for those of you who don't I've known him for a few months, he lives here and he's been a great help. Since he had to work I tagged along on a tour around town with a couple of buisnesspartners whose job was to film the prettiest settings in Cape Town, so I've already seen Sea Point's promenade, The opposite side of the bay facing table mountin and lions head and the beautiful harbor. I promise to put up lots of pictures as soon as I can but for now I dont have an opportunity to do so. Tomorrow I'm in for some more touring around town to the park and city centre, gonna be fun:) 
Please leave a comment people, would be nice to hear from you even if im at the other side of the world:P Miss you!

Ready to leave

Thanks to all of you who came over to say good bye and wish me luck one last time before my departure, I'm gonna miss you all a lot!
Tomorrow I leave for Arlanda at about eight so I guess I should sleep now. But I cant:P I'm all set now though, finally^^ And hopefully I can let you know how things went with the flight on saturday evening:) I arrive at eight in the morning but I suppose I'll be a bit busy during the day. Ow well, wish me luck hey!^^
Countdown: 2


I went to the public swimming pool today with Kiki and Freddie and we swam an entire kilometre:D Aand did some tanning too, and of course it had hardly any effect on my skin x) I did get burnt though, so hopefully it will give me a slight tan at least.. I guess it's not too good to get burnt by the tanning machine though, I was dumb enough to notice the sign saying a person as pale as me isnt even recommended to do it after the tanning was done><
Oh well, afterwards me and Kiki went shopping in town and as always when we go shopping we ended up with lots of bags filled with pretty stuff:D Was great to see her again after so long, we've been working too hard hey:P
Tomorrow anyone who wants to can come over to say good bye properly btw, Freddie comes at about three to bake "kladdkaka":) I really want pics of you all so would be great if you could make it^^ Tomorrow is my last day at home before I leave!!
Countdown: 3 days


Today iv'e come even closer to being fully prepared for my trip^^ I went to the hair dresser, ironed the last clothes and got my hair dyed by Carro at her flat that I finally got to see! Thanks hun it was really nice:) Aand now I've got black hair^^

I had planned on watching my sister do horseback riding for a last time too but of course when we arrive there's a big sign saying "theory class" on the board and dad had to give me a ride home again. A bit of a bummer since I wanted to take pics of her ><

Tomorrow is gonna be a great day btw:) Gonna meet Freddie and Kiki for some bathing and tanning at half past eleven and after that we'll go into town and hopefully be joined by Carro and Evelina later on. Gonna bring the camera for sure!

I've gotten addicted to a new song today btw; Jace Everett - Bad things, så badass;D

Countdown: 4 days!!!

Last day of work

I just got back from my last day of work at the transporting company and soon I'll be off to the gym before it's time to go to my other job; Swedbank, once again for a last day of work before I leave. To be honest it feels so great, I need a real vacation and as soon as I finish studying I'll have two months free with my man:) Can't wait^^


I'm gonna write this blog in english so that all of you curious people can follow my three months in South Africa:) Today it's five days left until I leave swedish ground and I've brought the huge suitcase from the garage to start figuring out what will be allowed to come with me on my trip:) If you could see all the stuff I've piled up you'd probably just shake your head in disbelief just like me though lol
There's so much stuff that I wanna bring ><
Moreover I'm starting to realise that I'm actually gonna leave lots of precious people behind. I'm gonna miss you ><

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